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Marple Bridge & Mellor (Open) Gardening Group
Open to any U3A member in The Pennine Link
Return to this year
Gardening Group Pennine Link

    This group meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 9.30am for coffee and chat in the Methodist Church Hall on Church Lane Marple. The meeting is from 10am - 11.30am.
    The cost of £1.50 includes coffee, rent of the hall and payment for the speakers.
    This is a more practical gardening group as we have speakers who provide practical hints and advice as well as those who give illustrated talks on commercial and private gardens, N.C.C.P.G and on growing more exotic plants such as Orchids.                                                                                                    

Do come along and join us.
Margaret Hogg
Programme for 2012

January 11th
A Garden Through the Seasons – an illustrated talk by Walter Mason.

February 8th
A visit to Rode Hall at Snow Drop Time.

March 14th
Spring Lawn Care and Maintenance – an illustrated talk by Martin Webb

April 11th
Propagation Techniques, a presentation by Anthony Norman from Conquest Plants Nursery, Bosley near Macclesfield. Plants for sale

May 9th
Kate Lomax – Hanging basket/container demonstration and plant sale.

June 13th
Visit to Trentham Gardens to be arranged.

July 11th
Mellor Open Gardens 2012. A presentation by Mary Hoult. Donations to Cancer Research.

August 8th
Our Horticultural show

September 12th
Visit to Ness Gardens to be arranged

October 10th
Kate Lomax winter container demonstration and plant sale. (tomato show?).

November 14th

December 12th
Christmas Quiz/decorations

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