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Marple Bridge & Mellor (Open) Gardening Group
Open to any U3A member in The Pennine Link
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Gardening Group Pennine Link

Marple Bridge and Mellor Open Gardening Group

This group meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 9.45am in the Methodist Church Hall on Church Lane Marple. The cost of £1.50 includes coffee, rent of the hall and pays for the speakers. This is a more practical gardening group as we have speakers who provide practical hints and advice as well as those who give illustrated talks on commercial and private gardens, N.C.C.P.G and on growing more exotic plants such as Orchids.                                                                                                    
Come along and join us.


January 14th    Gary Rainford  "Restoring the gardens at Styal Mill"

February 11th     Walter Mason  a talk on "Snowdrops of Eden"


September 9th     Outing to Styal                                                     

October 14th       Stockport Trees, speaker, Mr. J. McGarrie            

November 11th   Winter Hanging Baskets,  Kate Lomax                    

December 9th      Mary Hoult talkng about ' Mellor Gardens'             

Also ideas wanted from group on 'What to give a gardener for Christmas'

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