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Marple Bridge & Mellor (Open) Gardening Group
Open to any U3A member in The Pennine Link
Gardening (Pennine Link) Archive
Gardening Group Pennine Link

Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the Marple Methodist Church Hall, Church Lane, Marple.  Coffee/tea is served at from 9.45 a.m.  The meeting commences at 10 a.m.  The cost is £2.00 per meeting which includes coffee. All U3A members are welcome.

Whether you have an acre or two of garden or just one plant in a pot, you will find something of interest in the varied programme we offer.
Talks are on everything from violets to vegetables, pansies to potatoes.  There are practical demonstrations and occasional outings to gardens both great and small.


January 14  Natural History of the Garden Illustrated talk about who or what else is sharing our garden by John Steedman, ex-Head Gardener at Fletcher Moss Gardens.
February 11  Spring into Action Pictures of Jacqueline Iddon’s gorgeous garden and her immense plant knowledge to help us choose fresh early flowering plants for the garden and prepare for a glorious summer show.  Jacqueline will bring some plants for sale from her Lancashire nursery.

March 11
 A-Z of Garden Gems – Outstanding plants that sparkle. Maureen Sawyer, Garden designer and Consultant, will present a powerpoint (and interactive!) talk based on an alphabet’s worth of plants that earn their keep in any garden-including hardy and half hardy perennials, climbers, scented plants, grasses and bulbs.

April 8
Visit to Whitegate Daffodil walk , Northwich plus one other TBA

May 13 Summer tubs and Hanging Baskets Practical and fun demonstration to give us inspiration and instruction by Kate Perry (Lomax to us!) Kate will also bring some of her excellent, locally grown tub and basket plants for sale to tempt us.

June 10
Edible Herbs - A Powerpoint presentation by Jan Greenland ‘The Herb Lady’ featuring images of the iceman and bogmen. Travels through the centuries depicting dwellings, people, artifacts and herbs.

July 8
  Visit David Austin Roses plus one other TBA

August 12  
 Horticultural Show -Show us all what busy bees you have been this summer.

September 9  
 Visit TBA

October 14
Garden Birds in Autumn and Winter  David Tideswell will give us an illustrated talk in his hugely entertaining way about how to identify and attract, then keep alive, birds in our winter gardens. David will bring the Guide he has written and feeders for sale.

November 11 AGM
and Planning

December 9 Christmas meeting
with coffee, mince pies, fun and games.

The annual Horticulural show gives members of the group a chance to show off their skills with vegetables and flowers from their gardens.
1. Sweet Peas
2. Potatoes
3. Beans, any variety
4. Tomatoes
5. Vegetable/Salad assortment
6. Posy of flowers
7. Single flower
8. Hydrangea heads
9. Bunch/vase of perennials
10. Unusual shaped vegetable
11. Fruit
12. Conserve (to be tasted and checked by two judges.

On September 10th we are having a repeat of the Cutting Exchange which was so successful last year, members to bring along cuttings to exchange and pot-up.

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