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Dining Out Group 2011
Planned Outings
This Year
Dining Group (Luncheon)

The Dining Group.
        The Dining Group provides a pleasant social activity which enables members to meet together over a meal.  Meals are arranged on a 2 monthly basis, generally to local restaurants or pubs in an attempt to keep the price within reasonable bounds.  If members have difficulty with transport, usually lifts can be arranged with someone living in their area.  During the Summer months we try to arrange some evening meals to take advantage of the lighter nights but in Winter we only organise lunch time meals.
        The group is friendly and welcoming and members have the chance to meet each other on a social basis and also learn a little about the food available in our local area.  Over time the group will sample different cuisines from divergent nationalities to possibly broaden their palate.
        Information about venues and dates can be seen at the main U3A meetings at the 'Dining Group Table' where the bookings and payments are taken.  Members are given the menu and costs, make their selections which are then passed on to the restaurants and they receive their menu choice back when attending the lunch or dinner.

Programme of Outings 2011
15th February     The Bridge, Prestbury

26th April           The Plaice, Bollington.

23rd June            The Pack Horse, New Mills.

11th August         Oliver's in Woodford.

13th October       The Brasserie at the Hallmark Hotel (formerly Belfry),

Contacts:  Jean Drinkwater & Margaret Meekley

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