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Reading Group

The Reading Group in its present form has been in existence since 2020. We meet on the first Monday of every month, at 2 pm, usually at 42 Bowfell Drive, High Lane. The members of the group suggest books in advance for the programme which ensures a very varied mix. Our programme since September last year has included: BROOKLYN by Colm Toibin, LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY by Bonnie Garmus, NORTH AND SOUTH by Mrs Gaskell and in coming months we will be discussing REGENERATION by Pat Barker, THE MASTER AND MARGARITA by Mikhail Bulgakov and THE SCARLET LETTER by Nathaniel Hawthorn.

  In addition we have sessions when we discuss our choices of autobiographies and biographies we can recommend and recently we had a discussion on factual books. We also celebrate Christmas at one of our members' home with readings reflecting the season , accompanied by festive food and drink. At the moment , generally 8-10 members attend so there is space for one or two more.

Marlene Brookes


Please direct enquiries to Marlene Brookes. readingleader@highlaneu3a.org.uk